Exhibiting Moodie.ai in LTE 2021
Super excited to be exhibiting Moodie.ai in LTE 2021 (www.ltexpo.com.hk) today and the first day of this 3 day event is over. A lot of hard work had gone into the preparation over the past 3-4 months, including the print materials, video contents and most importantly, a demo unit which we use to give our visitors a first hand experience.
We met with some enthusiastic teachers, principals and potential business partners and discussed how communication and presentation training is key to the lifelong success of today’s students and how AI could play a central role in their learning experience. Can’t believe how vibrant and energetic the education industry is and we are eager to play a role in it.
Moodie.ai has taken us places where we never imagined we would be and we are getting ready for another day of action tomorrow!