
(以下內容只提供英文版本) The workshop is a dynamic and interactive program designed to help learners develop and refine their communication skills for making a powerful impact from the very beginning. This workshop focuses specifically on the crucial aspect of creating a positive first impression through effective communication. The workshop starts by exploring the importance of first impressions and their lasting impact on personal and professional relationships.
(以下內容只提供英文版本) The workshop is a dynamic and interactive program designed to help learners develop and refine their communication skills for making a powerful impact from the very beginning. This workshop focuses specifically on the crucial aspect of creating a positive first impression through effective communication. The workshop starts by exploring the importance of first impressions and their lasting impact on personal and professional relationships.
21 世紀需要擁有強大技術和人際交往能力的新型專業人士,有人稱這些為本世紀的「混合技能」。溝通和協作技能是這一切的核心……
隨著人工智能在許多體力和智力任務中勝過人類,越來越多人力資源的工作保障在 21 世紀變得脆弱。Partnership for 21st Century Skills 預測了幾種最搶手的職場技能……